
The Best Self-Discipline Tips Adulthood Has Taught Us

Written by on December 3, 2024

Don’t you miss the days when you could eat that extra slice of pizza without a second thought?

As we transitioned into adulthood, we quickly realized the importance of being more self-disciplined than the carefree child we once were. This means saying no when you want to say yes, putting down your phone when you’re tempted to play another round of your favorite game, or postponing a Netflix binge to get a good night’s sleep.

Research has shown that the ability to control our emotions and manage our impulses is a key factor in achieving success in life. According to a study published in the Journal of Personality, individuals with higher levels of self-control are more likely to achieve their goals and experience greater life satisfaction (Moffitt et al., 2011). Self-discipline, therefore, is an invaluable skill that many of us continue to refine as we grow older.

Here are some of the most effective self-discipline tips to help you on your journey:

1. Commit to Daily Incremental Improvement

  • Focus on small changes: Most of our daily behaviors are the result of habits formed over time, not in a single day. Developing self-discipline is no different. By committing to small, consistent actions, we can gradually strengthen our self-discipline.
  • Start with small steps: For example, if you want to be more punctual, start by leaving a few minutes earlier each time you need to be somewhere. Over time, as you become accustomed to this new routine, you can continue to improve until you reach your desired level of punctuality.
  • Build on your successes: Incremental improvements can lead to significant changes in your ability to stay disciplined, helping you achieve greater success in various areas of life.

2. Tolerate Discomfort

  • Build resilience through discomfort: Life often requires us to endure discomfort, whether it’s waiting in a long line or dealing with difficult emotions. Each time we resist the urge to react impulsively, we strengthen our self-discipline.
  • Accept challenges as growth opportunities: As we pursue new goals, we may encounter situations that are not easy or comfortable. By learning to tolerate discomfort, we can achieve things we never thought possible. A study in the Journal of Experimental Psychology found that individuals who embrace discomfort are more likely to achieve long-term goals (Duckworth et al., 2016).

3. Prioritize Properly

  • Focus on what matters most: As we grow older, we are often pulled in many directions by various interests and responsibilities. Developing self-discipline requires us to prioritize and focus on what is truly important.
  • Allocate resources wisely: We must recognize that our resources, such as time and money, are limited. By making intentional choices about where to invest these resources, we can build the discipline needed to achieve the success we desire.

4. Learn to Say No

  • Practice saying no to distractions: It can be challenging to say no, but it’s essential for building self-discipline. Whether it’s declining a tempting purchase or turning down a social invitation that doesn’t align with your goals, learning to say no is a crucial skill.
  • Stay focused on your goals: By consistently making choices that support your long-term goals, you reinforce your commitment to self-discipline and set yourself up for success.

Remember that self-discipline also involves taking care of yourself. It’s normal to make mistakes as you work to improve this critical skill. What matters is your commitment to show up every day, ready to try again. Over time, your efforts will pay off, leading to the success you seek.

In conclusion, building self-discipline is a lifelong journey that requires patience, persistence, and practice. By focusing on incremental improvements, embracing discomfort, prioritizing wisely, and learning to say no, you can develop the self-discipline needed to achieve your goals and lead a fulfilling life.

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