Life coaching may be a relatively new practice. Its purpose is to help you live a fulfilling life. Many people have reaped its benefits, and they provided anecdotal evidence that life coaches have changed the direction of their lives for the best. If you are wondering if it’s worth it to hire a life coach, […]
Fear of success? Most people don’t believe they fear success, but most of them would be incorrect. Our lives rarely change because we become comfortable with our situation. We might not like it, but it’s comfortable. We know what to expect. We might be unhappy, but we know we can deal with it. In a […]
At some point in your life, it’s common to dream of something bigger and better when it comes to your career. No matter how cushy a job may seem, you may find yourself wishing that you were working somewhere better or doing something different. The good news is that you can go out and make […]
After many years of working full time, you just might want to work at your own pace from home. You’d like more time for yourself and the things that matter most to you, whether that’s your children, a spiritual path, or the urge to write a novel. Launching into the unknown requires courage, discipline and […]