Discovering the Essence of Ikigai In the bustling metropolis of Tokyo, amidst the cacophony of modern life, exists a profound concept deeply rooted in Japanese culture—Ikigai. Pronounced “ee-kee-guy,” this term encapsulates the essence of finding purpose, meaning, and fulfillment in life. Originating from the island of Okinawa, where longevity is revered, Ikigai has garnered global attention for its holistic […]
When we contemplate the essence of success, a burning question often arises: What makes a person truly successful? While many may equate success primarily with wealth, power, and fame, it’s worth delving deeper to unearth the qualities that set successful individuals apart from everyone else. Resilience: Bouncing Back from Adversity: One undeniable trait that fuels […]
Have you ever observed individuals whose achievements are so extraordinary that they seem to operate on a different level? We’re not just discussing high-earners or valedictorians, but rather those rare beings who collect Olympic golds, redefine wealth with their billions, or leave an indelible mark on the fabric of society. These titans of success are […]
Understanding the significance of goal-setting marks only the initial step of a triumphant journey. Indeed, pinpointing a goal sets the destination, yet it’s the journey—outlined by the systems we put into place—that truly charts the course towards achieving those milestones. Consider the mechanics of a thriving enterprise: it’s not solely the sales targets that foster […]
You and your friends probably have your own favorite coffee drinks and TV shows. So it makes sense that your ideal self-care checklist would look different too. Maybe you love adult coloring books but think that they’re boring. Perhaps they want to check into a luxury hotel for a spa package, but you’d rather pitch […]
Psychologists conclude that meaningful, long-term goals develop throughout our lives, not just in an instant. And goals tied to our purpose motivate us and keep us going. But many of us never figure out our purpose. Some, however, have a concept of what they want but struggle to plan to get there. For others, life […]
Extrinsic motivation is when you do something to receive a reward or to avoid punishment. For example, a child wants to make the basketball team so he can be popular and get closer to the cheerleaders. Intrinsic motivation is when doing an activity is rewarding in and of itself. A child wants to be on […]
What are you afraid of? Are your worries preventing you from getting things accomplished in your life? Everyone has fears and many people let those fears stop them from doing things that may prove to be worthwhile or even lucrative. How to control fear and turn it into a positive force in your life? The […]
Self-discipline is a powerful attribute to have, yet challenging to obtain. Self-discipline is the ability to do whatever it takes to overcome obstacles and reach your goals, even when it’s inconvenient or uncomfortable. It may involve saying: “no” to things you want or saying: “yes” to things you hate, but with the power of self-discipline, […]
It sounds odd to some people that someone may be afraid of becoming successful. Sometimes, the fear of failure is easier for some to understand, but about someone fearing success? It can sound preposterous! Someone may ask who doesn’t want to be successful? Maybe it’s you! The fear of becoming successful is one of the […]