
Business Coaching

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Negative feedback – it’s never something you look forward to giving as a leader. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it. Although it’s difficult to say negative things about your employees’ work, it’s worth remembering that your staff can only thrive if you give them direction. Negative feedback is a method of giving your […]


While the first step to become an entrepreneur is locating a profitable business idea, the true foundation of entrepreneurial success rests within your mindset. A good idea can take you only so far. However, true determination to stop at nothing to achieve your goals can carry you through to the finish line. You may have […]


Launching your own business can be incredibly lucrative, but many beginning entrepreneurs make mistakes when starting a business. Building a business from scratch doesn’t leave a lot of room for error. Most of the odds are against you, but they can be overcome. One way to boost the odds of being successful is to simply […]


What’s easier: Working toward your goals alone through trial and error, or seeking the guidance and direction of someone who’s been there helping people doing that? The answer is obvious. When you seek the advice of someone who has been through it all before, you can then avoid the same mistakes and focus your time […]


Being famous doesn’t mean that you have to necessarily let the whole world know that you are a highly successful person. If you find the task of becoming famous too daunting, the good news is that you only need to make the right people know that you are successful in a specific niche and you […]


There’s never a better time than the present. Too often, we wait for the perfect time to start losing weight, build a business, save money, or have children. Time is constantly passing, and there’s no time to wait! There’s also never going to be a perfect time. You can start working out today! You don’t […]


Working alone sounds great. No one steals the last cup of coffee, and there’s no boss telling you to get to work. There’s one big catch. Self-employed people often suffer from isolation. You may have limited opportunities to interact with others. This can become quite uncomfortable after a while. Before you start talking to your […]


Every career has a set of habits that greatly increase the odds of success. The habits necessary for success will vary from career to career. Fortunately, there are many successful entrepreneurs that we can look to for guidance. It’s not surprising that many of them share the same habits. There’s no reason why you can’t […]


There must be some reason why celebrities, teachers, business coaches, and Pinterest boards are talking about passion projects. It’s a subject that appeals to anyone who wants to lead a meaningful life. Before you dismiss the idea because you lack the time or money to squeeze anything more into your days, consider a couple of […]


Entrepreneurs are in a challenging situation. They have to be good at so many things but are strapped for time. Most entrepreneurs have limited time, energy, and other resources available to spend on self-development. Yet, at the same time, entrepreneurs are in a position to gain the most from improving their knowledge and skills. It’s […]

