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The legendary football coach of the Chicago Bears, Mike Ditka, was known to state, “You get what you tolerate.” When life doesn’t measure up to your aspirations, it might be an indicator that your standards have settled too low. It’s thought that a titan of business like Donald Trump amasses wealth partly because earning just […]


In today’s society, respect is often seen as an afterthought. With millions of college educated professionals treating the latest Tiktok influencer or the cast of “The Kardashians” as their role models, respect is often taken for granted or ignored as an important part of the way we live. It’s not surprising that people not only […]


Negative feedback – it’s never something you look forward to giving as a leader. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it. Although it’s difficult to say negative things about your employees’ work, it’s worth remembering that your staff can only thrive if you give them direction. Negative feedback is a method of giving your […]


Psychologists conclude that meaningful, long-term goals develop throughout our lives, not just in an instant. And goals tied to our purpose motivate us and keep us going. But many of us never figure out our purpose. Some, however, have a concept of what they want but struggle to plan to get there. For others, life […]


Imagine it’s another Friday working on your computer, only to find that you’ve only got 45 minutes to finish up all your tasks. You start working on your report, but your eyes keep glancing at the clock. Midway through the report, you check your email. There, you see that you have 15 new messages waiting […]


We all have that one friend we know we can’t do without. Every time we speak with them, it’s that person who makes us feel better—that friend who can make friends without effort. And can calm uncomfortable situations with little difficulty. Have you ever wondered how they do this? You may have noticed this and […]


While the first step to become an entrepreneur is locating a profitable business idea, the true foundation of entrepreneurial success rests within your mindset. A good idea can take you only so far. However, true determination to stop at nothing to achieve your goals can carry you through to the finish line. You may have […]


What are you afraid of? Are your worries preventing you from getting things accomplished in your life? Everyone has fears and many people let those fears stop them from doing things that may prove to be worthwhile or even lucrative. How to control fear and turn it into a positive force in your life? The […]


The one thing people who seek love rarely consider is this: it all starts with YOU. You cannot expect a partner to help you if you are not confident that you are worthy of love. And that’s where self-care comes into the picture. You see, if you don’t love yourself, then how can you expect […]


Current issues bring to light the importance of great leaders. However, instead of panicking, it’s important for leaders to think and consider the long-term. They can take advantage of this moment to rally together. How can you lead with impact at this critical time? Consider these tips: Lead by your example. It’s essential to be […]

