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In today’s society, respect is often seen as an afterthought. With millions of college educated professionals treating the latest Tiktok influencer or the cast of “The Kardashians” as their role models, respect is often taken for granted or ignored as an important part of the way we live. It’s not surprising that people not only […]


You and your friends probably have your own favorite coffee drinks and TV shows. So it makes sense that your ideal self-care checklist would look different too. Maybe you love adult coloring books but think that they’re boring. Perhaps they want to check into a luxury hotel for a spa package, but you’d rather pitch […]


There are many different kinds of leadership, and the style you choose could increase your chances of success. Research shows that participative leadership is usually more productive than authoritative models.   Tired of reading? Listen to our deep dive podcast on this article.    What is participative leadership? It’s a form of governance that shares […]


Entrepreneurship is a journey filled with challenges and rewards, a path that often requires navigating the complexities of running a business single-handedly. In this dynamic landscape, the role of a life and business coach becomes not just beneficial, but essential. Hiring a coach can propel entrepreneurs to new heights, offering a plethora of advantages that […]


Negative feedback – it’s never something you look forward to giving as a leader. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it. Although it’s difficult to say negative things about your employees’ work, it’s worth remembering that your staff can only thrive if you give them direction. Negative feedback is a method of giving your […]


Psychologists conclude that meaningful, long-term goals develop throughout our lives, not just in an instant. And goals tied to our purpose motivate us and keep us going. But many of us never figure out our purpose. Some, however, have a concept of what they want but struggle to plan to get there. For others, life […]


Imagine it’s another Friday working on your computer, only to find that you’ve only got 45 minutes to finish up all your tasks. You start working on your report, but your eyes keep glancing at the clock. Midway through the report, you check your email. There, you see that you have 15 new messages waiting […]


As humans, we have many limits. We cannot foresee the implications of our decisions. We can only predict or assume based on prevalent conditions and past trends. Whether our decision will cause a favorable or destructive consequence, we cannot run away from the implications of our choices. That is why we should carefully look at […]


We all have that one friend we know we can’t do without. Every time we speak with them, it’s that person who makes us feel better—that friend who can make friends without effort. And can calm uncomfortable situations with little difficulty. Have you ever wondered how they do this? You may have noticed this and […]


Extrinsic motivation is when you do something to receive a reward or to avoid punishment. For example, a child wants to make the basketball team so he can be popular and get closer to the cheerleaders. Intrinsic motivation is when doing an activity is rewarding in and of itself. A child wants to be on […]

