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Welcoming a new boss can be complicated, especially when they used to be your coworker. How do you make a graceful transition from being a peer to being a direct report? Whether you’ve been close allies or friendly rivals in the past, you can learn to thrive under the new leadership. Try these suggestions for […]


Entrepreneurs aren’t limited by age, and you can start a successful business at any stage of your life. However, becoming an entrepreneur later in life has its own unique challenges. Consider these tips for starting a business as a senior: 1. Avoid allowing others to limit your goals. As you get older, you may have […]


Leading a team is hard work! There are so many variables that can make the role as team leader challenging. It’s easy to get discouraged when you see that your team isn’t displaying the skills and strengths you thought they had. You’ll probably even spend some time wondering if you picked the right people. However, […]


Launching your own business can be incredibly lucrative, but many beginning entrepreneurs make mistakes when starting a business. Building a business from scratch doesn’t leave a lot of room for error. Most of the odds are against you, but they can be overcome. One way to boost the odds of being successful is to simply […]


It’s all about skills in the modern world. It’s never been more challenging to be a leader than it is today. Markets and entire industries are changing rapidly. For any leader to be successful, it’s important to have the proper skills. Many of these skills are evergreen. For example, leaders will always need to be […]


If you’re terrified of getting the door slammed in your face, negotiation must be difficult for you! Just the thought that your efforts could be met with rejection might be enough to discourage you. So where do you go from here? How do you get past those obstacles even if your first attempt fails? Getting […]


You procrastinate because the thought of taking a certain action makes you feel bad. There are lots of actions that give us that “Ugh” feeling when we even think about doing them. The unpleasant action could be going to the gym, doing your taxes, making an unpleasant phone call, or scrubbing the toilet. So, procrastination […]


We notice how and when we waste time on a large scale. We notice that we spent an hour on social media or that we watched TV for three hours. However, these aren’t the only ways we waste time. We waste time in dozens of ways each day. Many of this time wasters aren’t always […]


Self-discipline is a powerful attribute to have, yet challenging to obtain. Self-discipline is the ability to do whatever it takes to overcome obstacles and reach your goals, even when it’s inconvenient or uncomfortable. It may involve saying: “no” to things you want or saying: “yes” to things you hate, but with the power of self-discipline, […]


Do you feel like your life is unfulfilling and overly full of challenges? If so, you’ll be happy to know that you can make changes, starting today, to turn your life around! Creating a wonderful life is the result of consistently doing things that support your happiness and fulfillment. Avoid stressful challenges and enjoy your […]

