Life Coach
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It is common for people to hear athletes have coaches who help them with training. Many business owners and executives have mentors where they get the support they need. What is a Life Coach? Is someone on your side, who works in partnership with you maximize your potential and find your own answers to live your […]
If you have high aspirations in your career, you need to establish the absolute certainty that you can be a leader. In reality, you are probably becoming a great leader, and you’re not just aware of it yet. Whether you are still new to the workplace or thinking of advancing to the position that you […]
Maybe you’d like to turn your creativity into a career but jokes about starving artists make you a little nervous. In reality, it is possible to make a living while making art. Whether you’re a drama student trying to figure out what to do after graduation or a professional thinking about making a career change, […]
Extroverts might seem to rule the world, but there are plenty of introverts behind the scenes with a lot of power and influence. Some of the most powerful companies in the world were founded and are run by introverts. But more importantly, how can you navigate the world and still stay true to your introverted […]
Working alone sounds great. No one steals the last cup of coffee, and there’s no boss telling you to get to work. There’s one big catch. Self-employed people often suffer from isolation. You may have limited opportunities to interact with others. This can become quite uncomfortable after a while. Before you start talking to your […]
Fear can be a debilitating thing. It can completely ruin your day or even, in some cases, your life! Fear is an emotion, and while sometimes it’s very valid and can help preserve your life, there are other times it simply must be faced and dealt with in order to be free. Here are some […]
When life hands you a tough situation, you may need to lean on other people for comfort. But what if you’re the person that needs to provide the shoulder? It can be a difficult job since you need to be the one that stays strong for the other person. How you provide comfort will vary […]
In order to live a full and complete life, we must learn how to let go of past failures and disappointments and not carry them with us into our future. Hanging on to pain, bitterness and disappointment from a past conflict is a heavy burden. It affects your moods, attitudes, relationships, job and all aspects […]
Everyone has their own reaction to criticism, slights, and bad news. Some of us are naturally more sensitive than others. However, becoming very upset due to a perceived insult isn’t something you’re born with. It’s a skill that took a lot of practice to perfect. Some of us have a perspective and set of mental […]
Making the most of life means different things to different people. To determine what it means to you, you may want to do some soul-searching. Once you discover what you really desire, you can move toward it and find meaning in the process. Helping others is an effective way to receive more fulfillment from your […]